Next time your drinking buddies stop by, give it a go. Games are restricted from broadcast based on two criteria: The official ESRB rating is Adults Only The game violates our Community Guidelines as it. TCA Yoke Pack Boeing Edition is an aviation system officially licensed by both Boeing and Xbox. Mount Your Friends is available on Steam for PC for $4.99. Mount your seat with some sturdy bolts, and youre good to. All this is to say that Mount Your Friends is one of the most unorthodox games I’ve played, but it’s perfect after a few beers with friends. All Reviews: Very Positive (5,131) Release Date: Developer: Stegersaurus Software Inc. I did what they say here, but it didn´t work. Mount Your Friends is a fiercely competitive sporting event for you to play with your friends in the contextual security of your own home, assuming that your home is not composed of sexual innuendo. Each button controls a limb and forces you to use the momentum of a swing to move your character up your pile of humans. When I´m playing the game there are still the xbox buttons shown. Hilarity ensues as you stack characters upon each other, flailing around as you battle against the intentionally difficult control scheme. “Speedos you said?”, you’ll ask me, and I’ll reply, “Speedos and wangs galore.” You see, much of the game’s humor revolves around the absurdity of your goal, and the physics of flopping penes. Mount Your Friends is a QWOP style physics game where you attempt to stack as many speedo wearing body builders as you can upon the back of a goat. And before you ask, Mount Your Friends is exactly what you think it is. In 2014, I accidentally stumbled across one of the strangest games that I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing, Mount Your Friends. It was available of $0.99 in the indie section of the Xbox 360 store, so I bought it for a dollar and got exactly what I paid for.